Pronunciation tips for Spanish learners
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Pronunciation tips for Spanish learners
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Pronunciation tips for Spanish learners

Here are some clues to help you in your way towards learning Spanish!

1. Vowels

Learning the vowels correctly will improve your Spanish and your ability to be understood by native Spanish speakers. Spanish vowels are simple, brief and consist on a single sound. a-e-i-o-u Lets practice and repeat!

“a” as hat  (casa/house), “e” as pet (pez/fish), “i” as me (mi/my), “o” as old (oso/bear), “u” as boot (mucho/a lot).

Master your vowels in Spanish and your pronunciation will have come a long way!


2. V and B  sounds

V and B they both have the same sound, like an English B for boy. Bueno and Vino sound exactly alike!


3. The R sound

That famous “trilled r” some learners get nervous about. Many English speakers find this sound difficult but there is nothing to worry about. Practice is the clue and if you don´t master the “R” don’t worry about it! You’ll just sound exotic and interesting to native Speakers!

There are to kinds of “R” sounds:


– R at the beginning of a word is always strong: RAMÓN, ROSA, ROJO

– RR in the middle of a word is also strong:  ARROZ,  CARRO


The soft R sounds a little bit like D in English.  ÁRBOL, PARTE


4. H sound

The H is completely mute, as opposite than in English.

Hotel, Hospital, Honesto, Huevos, Alcohol

Do not stress the H as in English and you will sound like a native Speaker!


5.Practice, practice and practice is the only clue!

Overall, practicing out loud you will develop confidence in your Spanish pronunciation skills and you will learn quicker.


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Modificado por última vez en Lunes, 07 Agosto 2017 16:16